February 05, 2025

Latest News

Comprehensive Healthcare And Rehabilitative Services (CHRS)

Comprehensive Healthcare and Rehabilitative Services (CHRS) Linked with Health Component in World Health Organization’s CBR Guidelines, our work in this thematic area focuses on Health Promotion, Prevention, medical care, rehabilitation and assistive devices.


KCBRP plays a role as an Implementer, facilitator, capacitor and networker with and for more than 30 Pro-disability organizations in Tanzania in designing and implementing interventions concentrated in four (4) CBID linked strategic focus areas:


KCBRP is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that renders services to Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and their organizations in Tanzania. The organization started its work in 2004 as a department of the Anglican Diocese of Kagera that promoted Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) but has over the years grown both geographically and thematically. In 2012, KCBRP registered itself under the NGO Act of 2002 as a national NGO with a mandate to work in the entire country.


We are thankful for the opportunity to serve persons with disabilities in seven regions of Tanzania in collaboration with 19 Partner Organizations. It has been a long journey. From humble beginning of working as a Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) department of the Anglican Diocese of Kagera in 2004 to geographical and thematic growth as a National wide NGO in 2012. We received the first grant from The West Foundation through Tunaweza Fund for KCBRP as a fiscally sponsored project of One World Children's Fund (OWCF) in 2012. The grant enabled KCBRP to expand operations from 15 to 31 villages and benefitted over 1200 children with disabilities by then who received healthcare, education and/or income generation support. And of course, produced many more smiles at the last mile, for which we were incredibly grateful. Todate we are working in 7 regions in Tanzania in collaboration with 19 Partner Organizations with funding and technical support from Liliane Foundation.